
How to make money in witcher 3
How to make money in witcher 3

how to make money in witcher 3

Because florins are treated as an object, though, rather than money, his supply restocks every time you talk to him. Sell all of your pearls to the loan shark, while also buying up his supply of florins, which is another currency in the game. Study these methods well, and with a little patience this weekend you’ll be flush with cash in no time! Leather Daddy Nevertheless, this is the sort of thing that tends to get corrected in patches, so if you want to take advantage, you should probably do so quickly - it might have already been fixed for PC.

how to make money in witcher 3

Neither method is cheating or taking advantage of a glitch, but rather they take advantage of exploits within the game’s economy. Streamer WhatsMyGame has found and shared a couple ways that you can predictably and repeatably get that paper. This is exacerbated by the fact that most merchants have a fixed quantity of money with which they can buy things from you, and not everyone buys every type of good, meaning you have to go to a variety of merchants and wait for their cash supplies to refresh, rather than just unloading all of your loot at the nearest town.įortunately, with such a large and complex world, there are bound to be a few loopholes for you to rake in piles of cash. Even if you’re thoroughly looting everyone’s houses to sell their stuff, most of the items you’ll find only sell for a scant handful of coins, which makes robbery a slow path to profit. Witching can be expensive business, with the need to upgrade your weapons and armor and keep a steady supply of booze for refreshing your potions. However, Velen is mostly populated by dirty, destitute peasants, and so there aren’t huge sums of money lying around in bags and barrels for you to find, like there so often are in games (there’s a whole other post to write about the bizarre economies of RPGs). Original Story: The Witcher 3‘s main setting of Velen is a vast and interesting place, worthy of exploration. True to roleplaying game conventions, you are encouraged to ruthlessly steal any and everything that isn’t nailed down. In an amusing twist, CD Projekt Red has added a reference to them with a new encounter in the first major expansion, Hearts of Stone. Fitbit Versa 3ĬD Projekt Red Updated on 10-15-2015 by Will Fulton: To the best of our knowledge, both of these exploits have been patched out of the game by now.

How to make money in witcher 3